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MPs accuse government of ‘deliberate inhumane’ policy towards refugees following ‘shocking’ Brook House allegations

Neha Gohil

Sat, Aug 5, 2023

Politicians have accused the government of  ‘deliberate inhumane’ treatment towards refugees after The News Movement revealed ‘horrific’ conditions at an immigration removal centre in the UK.

The News Movement spoke to seven people currently or recently detained at the Brook House immigration removal centre (IRC) in the UK. 

Two individuals, Artan Koboci and Stefan Daniel Popa, were willing to be identified.

They described incidents of self-harm and attempted suicide, the use of isolation cells, working for £3 a day and a lack of medical help.

In response to our investigation, Alison Thewliss MP said she wants the Home Office to take “immediate action”. 

The MP said: “It is shocking but unfortunately not surprising to hear of the conditions being reported at Brook House. 

“The purpose of these facilities should be to protect vulnerable individuals who have often experienced unimaginable circumstances before arriving in the UK.”

Alison Thewliss is a Scottish National Party politician Credit: PA

Alison, an MP with the Scottish National Party, is the Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Immigration Detention.

An APPG is a group of MPs from different political parties who discuss and have an interest in a particular topic. 

 Alison added: “Reports of overcrowding, inadequate healthcare, and a lack of access to legal support are totally unacceptable.

“Artan and Stefan have been exceptionally brave in speaking out about these issues. I urge the Home Office to listen to their stories and take immediate action to protect those being held at Brook House, and across the detention estate. 

"Healthcare failures have been shown to be systemic across all Immigration Removal Centres, along with widespread mistreatment of detainees. The long-term goal should be to reduce the detention estate as far as possible and explore alternatives to detention."

Artan Koboci, 36, was held at Brook House for around five months this year before being moved to another immigration detention centre in the UK.

Thousands of people are held at immigration removal centres every year as they wait to find out whether they can stay in the UK or will be removed from the country. 

The Home Office is responsible for immigration policy in the UK and deals with the immigration or asylum claim for each person detained in Brook House. 


Artan Koboci was held at Brook House for around five months

In response to TNM’s investigation, Labour and SNP MPs said they feared the new plans by the government  to stop people crossing the English Channel in small boats will make the situation at immigration removal centres - like Brook House - worse. 

The new Illegal Migration Bill will give the UK government the power to detain and deport anyone who has come to the UK irregularly  - including on a small boat or on the back of a lorry - to Rwanda or another “safe” third country.

Labour MP, Kate Osamor, said in response to TNM’s investigation: "This shocking exposé lays bare the horrific conditions in removal centres. 

“It’s clear the Home Office and private companies like Serco, who profit from this misery, have done little to improve conditions despite repeated warnings."


Kate Osamor is a Labour MP

The MP added: “This is more than just incompetence and neglect. It's clear that this is part of a deliberate policy by this Government to use the inhumane treatment of refugees as a deterrent to others who might seek safety in our country.

“If the Government's Anti-Refugee Bill passes, then the use of these camps will massively increase and we can expect far more innocent people to suffer the horrors described in this report. An independent public inquiry into all forms of immigration detention is urgently needed.”

Baroness Lister of Burtersett, who sits in the House of Lords, added: “These findings are very disturbing indeed, particularly in view of the Illegal Migration Bill which will mean many more people in detention’.”


The Brook House immigration removal centre is located next to Gatwick Airport

In response to TNM’s investigation, a Home Office spokesperson said: “It is vital that detention and removal are carried out with dignity and respect, and we take the welfare and safety of people in our care very seriously.

 “We work closely with our service providers to ensure that they achieve the highest standards to manage the removal estate and the escorting process.”

Serco, the private company that manages Brook House on behalf of the Home Office, said: “We have fully examined the claims that have been made and we have not been given any evidence that any of our employees has done anything wrong or behaved in an inappropriate way.  

“To the contrary, we are confident that there is an outstanding Serco team at Gatwick Immigration Removal Centre who do a challenging job with professionalism and compassion. The people in our care are at a difficult time of their lives and their safety and wellbeing is always our primary concern.”

You can read TNM's full investigation and the full response from the Home Office, Serco and Practice Plus Group here.


Neha Gohil